TESDA Allotted P28 Million Fund for the Negrenses
The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) has allocated about P28 million budget for the implementation of its Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP). The said allocation will cover about 4,000 recipients in Negros Occidental.
Tesda-Negros Occidental Provincial Director Joel Villagracia said that they are focusing on priority qualifications for Negros Occidental. He also said that they invited schools and institutions that will become “providers” who can accommodate the qualified applicants.
In the province of Negros Occidental there are at least 60 providers of various qualifications as of March 2017.
They offer different courses such as massage therapy, visual graphics design, contact center services, cookery, food and beverage services, electrical installation and maintenance, automotive servicing book-keeping and housekeeping.
The tendering process starts right after the holy week, Tesda-Negros will then evaluate the provider’s’ capabilities in providing training services.
This fund urges the Negrenses to avail these programs that will equip them necessary skills for livelihood and employment.