Jill De Guzman

December 29, 2016

Top 10 Most Listed New Year’s Resolution of All Time

Just a few more days and finally year 2016 is about to expire. What a more better things to do to end the year 2016 with a blast and kickstart 2017, than to make your undying new year’s resolutions.

Before each year ends, we tend to create our traditional new year’s resolution, which has always became a norm for everyone.

New year’s resolution are list of do’s and don’ts that you want take control of for the coming year. This are most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice.

Indeed struggle is real not only when it comes to fulfilling a new year’s resolution, but coming up with a list can also be a headache. You got to consider a lot of things before successfully producing your own personalized new year’s resolution.

To lessen your burden, we came up with the top 10 most listed new year’s resolution. These are based on the frequent posting of personal new year’s resolution in different social media platforms.


1. Read more books.

This resolution is not only applicable to those geeks out there but also to people who want to explore and learn something new. Books can always be your companion.


2. Drink less alcohol.

Don’t worry! The resolution says drink only less, so you can still have a sip from time to time, or better yet, have it occasionally.

3. Spend less – Save more.

This is the most cliche’ resolution ever! This one is probably on the list of everyone, and perhaps annually. This one needs a lot of discipline to be able to fulfill. All you need to do is identify the needs from wants.

4. Quit Smoking.

This resolution takes a lot of effort to be able to achieve. Cigarettes are so addicting. But you need to always consider that not only your health is at risk, but also the people around you.

5. Spend more time with the family.

Family is number one priority! Nothing more nothing less. Before spending time to different things, always remember that above all family first!

6. Organize home and workplace.

There is no better place to relax and have a piece of mind but in a clean and organize home and workplace. Your mind can perform better when your surroundings is clean. So better make it a routine to always leave your home and workplace clean and organized.

7. Travel more.

Study says that traveling often will make your life longer. It’s true, traveling does not only move away stress but those who travel often tend to have a longer life expectancy. So wanderlust as long as you still can.

8. More real conversations with friends rather than online chat.

This year, spend more time having chit chats with friends but without the use of technology. It is still healthy for a relationship having a legit conversation, than being slaves of the online world.

9. Have a personal hobby or project.

Come up with one personal hobby or project that will really entice you in fulfilling or doing such. This may boost your self-confidence and even improve your time management and managing your priorities.

10. Get fit and healthy.

This one is so much overrated! Everyone is putting this one on their list. But this should not just be a state of mind, rather this should be achieved, at least for the betterment of yourself. You need not to go the gym and spend a lot of money on dietary supplements. Disciplined food intake and regular exercise can do the job.