STAY ALERT! STAY PREPARED (Are you ready for the BIG ONE?)

For the past few days earthquakes have struck different parts of the Philippines. The tremors have left citizens terrified for aftershocks. Especially with the predicted 7.2 magnitude earthquake that the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) confirmed can strike at any moment now.

The BIG ONE, as they call it might hit any moment due the unnatural movement of the 2 major faults, the west Valley Fault and the East Valley Fault.

Cities and towns traversed by the 100-Kilometer West Valley Fault may experience a maximum of 7.2 magnitude. The areas traversed by the 10-kilometer East Valley Fault are predicted to have a 6.2 magnitude earthquake.

Despite the city wide earthquake drills, is it really enough to survive such an occurrence? If not, don’t panic, here are some additional tips to strengthen your arsenal.


It is quite comforting to know that you are prepared for something, might be a test or an audition. Same concept goes when it comes to disaster. Take note of these preparedness tips.

1. Assemble an emergency preparedness kit

Having a prepared kit is a huge save for you and your family. Make sure to pack only essentials. Here’s a general checklist for your reference:


    Store water in plastic containers such as soft drink bottles. Keep at least a three-day supply of water per person.
    Store food which are read to eat, such as canned meats, fruits and vegetables. Canned juices, milk and soup. Avoid anything that requires great deal of water to prepare.
    First Aid Kit
    Adhesive bandages in assorted sizes
    Assorted safety pins
    Non-Prescription drugs
    Tools and Supplies
    Paper cups, plates, plastic utensils
    Battery operated radio and extra batteries
    Flashlight and extra batteries
    Cash or travelers check
    Can opener and a utility knife
    Toilet paper
    Feminine supplies
    Plastic garbage bags and ties
    Clothing and Bedding
    Sturdy boots
    Rain gear
    Blankets and sleeping bags

2. Identify Safe Places Indoors and Outdoors

Knowing the safe places in your area can help when the quake strikes.


  • Under sturdy furniture
  • Away from glass that could shatter
  • Use the stairs
  • Do not use the elevator


  • Stay away from power lines, buildings, trees, overpasses and elevated expressways.

3.Develop and Emergency Communication Plan

Earthquakes hit unexpectedly, thus giving family members the disadvantage. In case family members are separated from each other during an earthquake, develop a plan for reuniting after the disaster.


Now that the preparations are in order, take time to go through these reminders during an earthquake.


  • Stay Calm
    Drop to the ground
    Take cover under a sturdy table or a piece of furniture
    Hold on until the shaking stops
  • If you are in bed, stay there and curl up cover your head and hold on.

What if you don’t have any table or desk nearby?

  • Cover your head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner or a building.
  • Limit your movement during the shake to avoid any injuries.
  • Do not PANIC. The more you panic, the likely you’ll get injured
  • Do not leave the building while the quake is still active. Research shows that most injuries occur when people inside buildings attempt to different locations inside the building and try to leave.
  • Do not use Elevators. Use the stairs to exit the building after the tremors have died down.


  • Stay outside
  • Stay clear from the buildings, streetlights, power lines, and trees
    Drop to the ground
    Cover your head and torso
    Hold on until the shaking stops

What if you are driving or inside a vehicle?

  • Pull over slowly and carefully and Stay inside the vehicle.
  • Stay inside your seatbelt fastened until the shaking stops
  • If a power line falls on your vehicle do not get out. Wait for assistance.

What if you are trapped?

  • Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing
  • Tap on a pipe or a wall so rescuers can locate you. Shout only as a last resort.


  • Move out of the building carefully and move to a more secure spot.
  • Check yourself for injuries and get first aid if you have acquired injuries.
  • After you have taken care of yourself, help people who require assistance.
  • Do not go back inside the house unless the authorities cleared it as safe and still anchored to the foundations.

Remember that the aftershocks happen within minutes, day, weeks or months following an earthquake. Anytime it happens remember to DROP! COVER! and HOLD!

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