5 Incredible Things Singles Should Do On Valentine’s Day

“Oo na. Ako na. Ako na ang mag-isa. Ako na ang martir. Maghihiwalay din kayo!” (Yes! I’m alone! I’m always alone! I’m a martyr for love! You’ll break up soon!”)
– Jennylyn Mercado in English Only, Please (2014)
Ta-da! of course, for the singles. Now, just because you’re single does not mean you have to single out yourself from painting the town red on Valentine’s day.
Don’t worry about being single like how Dakota Johnson made you feel in that breezy roundelay of a movie, “How to be single”. In fact, you should be happy, because you get to spend a lot of genuine “me time” yey!
1.Love yourself
Of course you should! As the saying goes from the great Rupaul Andre Charles himself, “If you don’t love yourself, how the hell are you going to love somebody else?” So instead of sulking in the corner, dejecting yourself from the fact that you don’t have a date, go and indulge yourself.
Take out your favorite food, make it your cheat day. The greasier food, the better. No time for lavish mani- pedi? Come on! Bring out your nail polish and pamper your nails.
There’s no such thing as being idle on Valentine’s day. Turn on your TV and binge watch all of the movies that your celebrity crush has ever made. Now that’s how you love yourself!
“I’ve been thinking that the time we have to be single, is really the time we have to get good at being alone”
-Dakota Johnson in How to be Single (2016)
2.The Secret Valentines Special
So you think exchange gifts are only for the holidays? You’re wrong! Call your other single friends.
May it be the ladies or the fellas. Round them up, draw names from a hat, and buy whomever you draw a little something. Worried about how expensive you can go for the gift? Set a price limit!
After that, meet up on V- day, in one of your friend’s apartment. A potluck meal party can go a long way, plus, don’t forget your gifts. And who knows? before you know it, “…lucky I’m in love with my best friend” will be your favorite song verse of all time.
3.Send love out there
Stop spending your time being a bitter gourd and do something with a cause. If you think that you’re love is so expensive that no one is worthy, give it those who are in need.
Studies show that kindness spread, so start an endemic. Giving Valentines card to those who are close to you, your co- workers or simply just your everyday barista in your fave coffee shop will surely do the trick.
Not the hallmark type? Go do volunteer work for the less fortunate than you. Seeing a face light up through a small gesture will warm your heart and make the world a better place, my dear.
4.V- Day Fam Bam
Well, I guess the only woman who will ever love you is your mother. And hey! That’s not bad afterall. So don’t you just stay there and whine, you cry baby! Be grateful for having your family.
No one can give filial love better than your parents, I mean, duh, you only have one set of parents in a lifetime!
So why don’t you go out there and treat your mom and dad a decent meal? Or better yet, fulfill your filial duties, take out the trash, wash the dishes or rule the family empire, now that’s my kind of filial commitment.
5.The Acceptance Stage
And so, the pain begins, as the music fades and you’re left with nothing. With everything that has been said and done, you’re still left alone crying and eating that ice cream until the last scoop of its tab. Until you slowly, painstakingly accept the fact that you will be single for life.
Yes, you’re alone and bitter and will probably die alone. But think about the brighter side, people will actually start to notice you if you die, at least people will bring flowers to your funeral. Sweet right?
Kidding aside, the thing is, it does not matter whether you are in a relationship or not. We should find refuge in the idea that love is within us no matter what status of life we are in.
So to all the singles out there, don’t worry, one day your time to find love will come, well, I’m not really sure when but, don’t lose hope.
So sit back, relax and enjoy, alright?