All posts by Jill De Guzman

Air Asia Comeback with Clark to Kalibo Flight

After being away from some couple of years, Philippine Air Asia is now back in its home inside Clark International Airport. The said airlines was one of the pioneer airlines that was housed inside CIAC. On March 27, Philippine Air Asia launched their first comeback flight which is Clark to Kalibo at CIAC. The said launching was graced by different staff of Air Asia spearheaded by Philippine Air Asia President Capt. Dexter Comendador joined by the CIAC personnels led by CIAC President Mr. Alexander Cauguiran. Philippine Air Asia was set to launched more flights at CIAC both domestic and international flights.

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Red iPhone7, Quit Smoking, and Rody Duterte on Trending Klipps

Date: March 24, 2017
By: KLIPP tv

Here are the hottest topics for this week.

  1. President Rodrigo Duterte heads out to Myanmar to strengthen ties and investments.
  2. Apple launches Red iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.
  3. Pope Francis advises young people to resist ‘false’ reality of social media.
  4. Pinoys quit smoking due to high cost of cigarets.